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genetic susceptibility

What is the Risk Difference Between Someone Who Has A Genetic Susceptibility and Someone Who Does Not?

Unlocking the Truth About Genetic Vulnerability and Biotoxin Exposure

Welcome to Video 9, where we unravel the myths surrounding genetic susceptibility to biotoxin exposure. If you've ever been perplexed by conflicting information online, you're not alone. We're here to provide clarity and insight into a complex topic that affects countless individuals.

Understanding Genetic Susceptibility

At the heart of this video is the concept of genetic vulnerability, specifically focusing on chromosome 6 of the HLA gene. This genetic factor plays a pivotal role in how your body responds to biotoxin exposure. It affects the transition from your innate immune system, which you're born with, to the adaptive immune system, which develops during the first 18 years of your life. When this transition functions properly, your immune system's ability to defend against biotoxins is significantly enhanced. However, if genetics disrupt this hand-off, you might experience more severe symptoms, and your condition could persist even after leaving a moldy environment.

The Crucial Questions

Now, you might be wondering, "How significant is genetic susceptibility to biotoxins? Who carries this susceptibility, and who doesn't? Does having a smooth immune system hand-off mean you're immune to biotoxin-related issues?" Are some individuals born with "mold-resistant" genes while others seem to attract illness? The answers to these questions are not black and white. We delve into the nuances and considerations that everyone should be aware of.

Real-Life Implications

The impact of these genetic factors becomes all too real in the lives of families, couples, coworkers, and others who share living or working spaces. Picture this scenario: one partner has genetic susceptibility, while the other does not. They live together, and the healthy partner struggles to accept that their loved one's illness is linked to their residence. Extend this dilemma to workplaces, schools, and other shared environments, and you begin to see the problem.

A Vital Discussion for CIRS Patients

This topic, while concise, lies at the heart of many challenges faced by Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) patients. The dynamics it creates can be highly volatile and have far-reaching consequences for individuals and their relationships.

Expert Guidance in Video 9

Join Dr. Heyman and Dr. Michelle in Video 9 as they set the record straight. This video is an essential resource for anyone who has ever asked, "Why me?" It's also invaluable for those who have encountered skepticism from partners, coworkers, employers, teachers, or other authority figures regarding the legitimacy of their condition.

Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to navigate the complexities of genetic vulnerability and biotoxin exposure. Join us in Video 9 to uncover the truth and find the answers you've been seeking.

Our SERVICES OFFERED are not just remedies but gateways to a rejuvenated life.


• The most common myth about NOT having HLA genetic vulnerability to CIRS.


• Why exposure amount is more important than genetic vulnerability.


• Why there is no such thing as superhuman immunity to biotoxins.


• Why two people living in the same residence can have two different reactions to the same environment.

To schedule your 15 minute complimentary consult please contact us when you have watched videos 1, 7, 8, and 16.


If you would like to set up a complimentary consultation, you can enroll in the TRUTH & TRUST ALL ACCESS program here to watch the required videos. Please contact the EBHC clinic when you have viewed videos:

Video 1: Has Mold and CIRS Medicine Changed From 1.0 To 2.0? 

Video 2Why Does An Otherwise Energetic Person Lose Their Energy?

Video 3: My Family Says I’m Crazy

Video 4: CIRS Impact On Intimacy, Sex, and Relationships

Video 5: When Should Someone Consider Mold or Biotoxins as an Underlying Health Problem?

Video 6: What Is Happening To The Brain Of A CIRS Patient?

Video 7: How To Choose A Good Mold Doctor Part 1

Video 8: How To Choose A Mold Doctor Part 2

Video 9: Genetic Susceptibility vs. Non-Susceptibility

Video 10: Is There A Relationship Between CIRS and Autism?

Video 11: The Personal CIRS Journeys of Dr. Heyman and Dr. Michelle

Video 12: Restoring Health and the Reliability of CIRS Treatment

Video 13: Do Pets Complicate CIRS Exposure Or Treatment?

Video 14: Do You Have To Leave Your Home?

Video 15: Mast Cell Activation, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, And CIRS

Video 16: Mold and Money – Understanding The Cost of Mold/CIRS Treatment


If you would like to schedule your consultation without first viewing the videos, you can schedule your consultation by any of the following:


Call the EBHC office at 972.378-0120


For a 15 minute FREE consultation complete the online request form by clicking here.

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Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.

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